Starting from:


POWER MOVES⚡️ - The Masterclass

A masterclass sharing the powerful moves that truly changed my life.
This is for you if you…
⚡️Are held back by limiting beliefs 
⚡️Are ready to grow & expand but don’t know where to begin 
⚡️Wake up & go through the motions without being intential 
⚡️Struggle to take action 
⚡️Feel as though there is so much more out there for you 
⚡️Are sick of playing small 
⚡️Lack self belief 
⚡️Want to break negative thought patterns & truly step into your POWER 

Do you want to…
🔥Feel f*cking EMPOWERED 
🔥Be a queen who takes bold action 
🔥Believe in yourself & let go of the limiting beliefs that are not serving you 
🔥Become more self aware & actually know who the hell you are
🔥Be intentional about your actions & the person you want to become 
🔥Step into your POWER & stop playing small⚡️

This will be a 60-90 minute live masterclass.
You will have lifetime access to the replay. 

Date: Late september 

Time & date TBA

You will leave this masterclass feeling EMPOWERED & ready to step into your higher self.  

It’s time to make some power moves babyyy⚡️

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